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Coronavirus disease

Regulatory Updates 


By the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Armenia, starting from January 22, 2022, when entering a hotel, public catering facility, gym, library, museum, theater concert, cinema, or other cultural activity places customers must present either a mobile test or vaccination certificate. via the app's rapid response code (QR code) or the paper version emitted from the mobile app.

This requirement does not apply to pregnant women, those with an absolute contraindication, those with a previous coronavirus disease who have a positive PCR test up to 90 days old.


According to the amendments of the Government Decree: № 1514-N of 11 September, 2020 which entered into force on September 6, 2021:

upon entering the territory of the Republic of Armenia travelers will be asked to provide: 

  • a COVID-19 PCR test certificate with a negative result taken within the previous 72 hours, or certificate of complete vaccination against COVID-19, in dosages defined according to the instructions for use of the given vaccine.
  • For single-dose vaccines, certificate confirming that it was injected at least 28 days (4 weeks) before entering the country.
  • For multi-dose vaccines, certificate confirming that the last dosage was injected at least 14 days before entering the country.
  • A certificate with a negative result or a vaccination certificate is not required for children up to 6 years 11 months 29 days old.

The quarantine on the territory of the Republic of Armenia due to COVID-19 has been extended till 20 December, 2021.

The traveler can present the vaccination certificate via mobile application or present the printed version of the certificate exported from the application protected with a QR code with the necessary data.

Non-holders of the relevant certificate are subject to PCR sampling at the airport or other border checkpoints and also to compulsory self-isolation until the negative result of the test is obtained. In case of rejection of sampling or examination, all non-holders of the relevant certificate will be isolated for 14 days.

The person will be hospitalized if corresponding symptoms are detected as a result of the examination. 

The PCR test-related expenses are covered by the traveler.

The certificate should be in Armenian, Russian or English printed on the official letterhead and should contain the following information:

  • all contacts and the name of the head of the medical institution where the test/vaccination was taken, the name, surname, date of birth, and passport number of the examined/vaccinated person,
  • the result of the test, the vaccine manufacturing name and the product’s serial number, the dates of the first and the second dosages, signed and sealed by the head of the medical institution.

To get tested for COVID-19 before traveling between the Republic of Armenia, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan, the "COVID-19 Free Travel" program has been launched.

Any resident who would like to get vaccinated can visit the preferable policlinic, get examined and vaccinated if there are no contradictions.

Additional Information:


Information about COVID-19

Laboratories providing COVID-19 tests

Travel restrictions of COVID-19

About COVID-19

On March 11 the World Health Organization officially announced the Coronavirus epidemic. The new coronavirus is known as COVID-19. It belongs to the big group of coronaviruses and is so called due to its structure looking like a crown thorns. The new virus causes respiratory diseases of different complications. The pathogens of the infection multiply in the throat and are spread when the infected person coughs or sneezes and can reach as far as 1,5 m. This way the virus is mostly contagious. The incubation period is usually 2-14 days.

To prevent the spread of the virus numerous preventive measures have been taken and are still being taken throughout the world.