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Tumanyan Khinkali

In 2004 in the heart of Yerevan there was opened a little cozy corner, where khinkali lovers could taste the tastiest khinkali in a warm atmosphere.

During the twelve years by the devoted efforts of staff, this small corner expanded into a high-class restaurant, which is ready to host not only Armenians but also guests from other countries.

Due to their highly appreciated and demand "Tumanyan Khinkali" restaurant opened its doors in the center of Glendale city, California.

"Tumanyan Khinkali" restaurant brought old traditions to life. Being at the crossroads of ancient and modern times and due to its pleasant interior and friendly staff, has become a second home for khinkali lovers. A place where everyone can enjoy a preferably khinkali in a warm and friendly atmosphere, reserve a table, and arrange any event. It is solely due to the efforts of the cooks you can choose the ones which you prefer from the wide range of khinkali.

The restaurant has an individual approach to each guest. The proof of that is a special hall for non-smokers, by which the "Tumanyan Khinkali" got a special certificate from UCAID.

In 2015 "Tumanyan Khinkali" restaurant made a surprise for its guests, opening an outdoor terrace, where the guests can eat khinkali and enjoy the summer evenings.

21/1 Tumanyan Str.
+37499 582 352