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XIX century,

State index:

The winepress is located in the central part of the Dalma Garden, on the left bank of the canal, in a gently sloping area.

It was constructed in the XIX century, during the reign of Hossein Qoli Khan, the last Persian sardar of Yerevan (1807-1828), when the Dalma Canal was reopened, new gardens were established, viticulture and winemaking gained new momentum, many wineries and cellars were built.

It is a vaulted structure with a rectangular plan, with external dimensions of 12.6 x 6.10 meters and an arched entrance from the east. On the western wall there is an arched fireplace with a flue.

The lower rows are built of raw basalt, the semi-circular vault is of brick-sized stones. One of the constructive tricks is the spike-shaped layout of the southern part. On the walls there are remains of clay and niches for storing kitchen utensils. The hall is littered with rubble (before its collapse there was a basin for pressing grapes and two clays pots for pouring the juice into them).

The northern and western attached buildings were probably a shed or a living room.

“The Scientific Research Center of Historical and Cultural of Heritage” SNCO

Yerevan Municipality

Dalma Gardens