The park dedicated to the 2800th anniversary of Yerevan foundation was laid owing to the financing of the Vardanyans family.
250 trees of 70 exclusive sorts were planted in the park. The green area has become nearly twice as much it used to be. Only old damaged trees were cut down, and some healthy trees which were in the middle of the park were replaced to the side part of the park so as the fountains could be built-in. The park is provided with 24-hour automatic drip irrigation systems. Fountains with 2800 jets were installed. The ground was paved with ornaments of ancient Armenian carpets out of 7 sorts of granite. Its surface is 5420 sq. m. The map of Yerevan made of pink quartzite and surrounded with fountains was placed in the central part of the park. In the 4 corners of the fountain complex and in the middle 5 bronze water statues were installed.