State index: 1.3.17
Sculptor: Gabriel Yeproyan
The monument is the bust of Levon Abgar Orbeli (1882-1958),
who was an Armenian physiologist, one of the founders of the Soviet
evolutionary physiology teaching, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the
USSR (1935)
and ASSR (1943), colonel-general of the medical service, member of various foreign societies and academies, the brother of eminent scientists Hovsep and Ruben Orbeli. The monument is situated near the building of the Institute
of Physiology named after the distinguished scientist, on Orbeli
brothers’ street. The sculptor responsible for its creation is Gabriel Yeproyan.
The bust is positioned on a rectangular, one-piece elevated plinth. It is notable for its remarkable resemblance to the character it represents. The stonework follows the principle of a uniform grain, highlighting the sculptor’s skill.
Gray basalt serves as the building material.
“Scientific Research Center of Historical and Cultural Heritage” SNCO
Yerevan Municipality